formation hour

Formation Hour is discipleship programming for all ages on Sunday mornings from 9-9:45 am before the Worship Service. Programming is age-appropriate and classes meet throughout our building for preschool-adult! Classes run September through May.

Check out all the details on classes below!

Adult formation hour

Begins September 8th

9 am- 9:45 am


Week 2 Packet

The staff has taken a deep look into the formation hour on Sunday morning. While we believe formation is a crucial part of our Sunday morning experience, we haven't always done a great job communicating its value to the larger church. This fall, we are beginning with a great series by John Mark Comer entitled, "Practicing the way" (See description below). But beyond the content, we are redoubling our efforts to promote rich relational space on Sunday morning. This will include consistent small group, intentional time of connection and quarterly social gathering outside of Sunday morning. We invite you to consider joining one of these small groups on Sunday Mornings beginning September 8th.


John Mark Comer's Practicing the Way

"Following Jesus has long been likened to a spiritual journey. When Jesus invited his first disciples to “follow” him on the “way,” he was simultaneously saying that discipleship to him is a lifelong path. This Course is just a primer. It’s designed to get you started on the journey of spiritual formation, help you get unstuck if you’ve stalled out, or just guide you into taking your next step. Ultimately, its goal is to train you to live as an apprentice of Jesus: to be with Jesus, become like him, and do as he did."


hope cov kids

formation hour


Sundays, 9am

Begins September 8th

Kids ages birth through 5th grade are invited to join us for our Sunday Morning Formation Hour.

Epic fun and hands-on learning and discipleship for kids of all ages. Every Sunday from 9:00-9:45 am. You won't want to miss it!

  • Mini Formation: Ages birth-Preschool (meets in the nursery)
  • Elementary Formation: Grades K-5th (meets in room 207)

All children and youth should stop by the HCK/HCY check-in desk to get a name tag before proceeding to class on Sunday mornings.

If this is your first time, save time and PREREGISTER!

hope cov youth

formation hour

Sundays, 9am

September 8th- May

Formation Hour will resume SEPTEMBER 8th!

Students will engage in the weekly bible story in fun, age-appropriate, and engaging ways!

  • Middle School Formation (6th-8th graders): Middle School students will enjoy a blast of hands-on, active fun ending with a middle school only small group discussion time! Meets in Youth Room: 105. 
  • High School Formation (9th-12th graders): High School students will gather with the larger group to hear from John Mark Comer in his Practicing the Way series. Then they will break into their own small group to further discuss and grow. Please sign up HERE

All students need to check-in at the HCK/HCY check-in desk in the Welcome Center every Sunday morning before heading to their classrooms.