Want to get involved and serve here at Hope? There are many opportunities at Hope to use your gifts such as coffee server, usher, nursery helper, and/or with the International lunch.
Contact us to get plugged in.
Ushers, greeters & coffee connecters
The opportunity to serve in a variety of roles in our programs for children is not just for the parents of the kids involved. We value the mentorship that happens within this ministry. From teaching, to leading in song, to rocking babies, to preparing snacks, to playing games and doing crafts...there are so many ways to assist in helping teach our children the word of God and share His love with them. And whether you are currently raising young children, maybe approaching that phase of life, evolving from child to young adult, or way past that stage, you can minister to children. And in return, you will be amazed at what you learn from them.
Equips our Hope church family to reach out to those who don't yet know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
Praise and Worship Teams
Help lead our congregation during the worship service with your gifts of music with voice, instrument or technology.
The Hope Adult Choir is a group of people who enjoy singing and ministering to others through the gift of song. Choir meets on Wednesday nights from September through the beginning of May between 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the Choir Room. They sing every other week, generally the first and third Sundays of each month. We also often prepare a cantata at either Christmas or Easter. Please click here to email Lowell Larson if you are interested.
A COMMUNITY MEAL is served at Hope Covenant the 4th Saturday of each month. This is a wonderful OPPORTUNITY to reach out to our community with the love of Christ! It is a MINISTRY that was started by Bethlehem Lutheran Church. When they sold the building to Hope, they requested that this MINISTRY to those in need, be continued here due to its centralized location.
Hope fronts the cost of food each month and Bethlehem picks up the needed supplies of food. It is greatly appreciated when any from Hope’s body, who are willing to set up, prepare, serve and clean up (between 9:00 and 1:00) help with this monthly event.